Just another day in the land of year round waves and of course, you can’t forget some of the best fishing in all of the worlds oceans, right here in Latin America.

If you’ve ever dreamt about owning a piece of paradise in one of the most wave rich places of all surfing destinations on the planet, look no further.

Go wide or go home! And yes, this place has waves for anything from the very beginner, to the super advanced “you can die on that wave if you’re not careful” spectrum of surfing.

I can attest to pretty much anything I write about this place, especially when comparing to other boarding countries, because I used to travel to both surf rich neighboring countries, long before I discovered Nicaragua well over a decade ago.

The family life here has blossomed leaps and bounds from that of which it was better known as only a “dude surf trip destination” location.

It’s only January here now, but it will be March before we even blink an eye. That’s when things should start lighting up again with much more swell.

and by then…. if you follow these reports regularly, you know you’ll see waves that will make you wish you had booked your trip now, once those photos come trickling in.

But until then… we’ll just be on cruise control. Cruising into this new year happy for what we have and having so much to be thankful for.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello NSR followers from around the world, welcome to Thursday’s surf report. Today I decided to go check out our other wave magnet of the area, the famous Popoyo, check it out!

Whatup everyone, Kevin here with Wednesday’s report. I’ll be completely honest with you, it’s actually kind of nice to have some small waves for a change. Nothing wrong with having an excuse to whip out the fish or the longboard. And the spot to be when it’s small is Panga Drops. It’s the only place..