Of course there are some swells around here. There are sets of seven waves coming with good size.

Even the small waves in the sets were super fun. Here is Lester running a wave in the inside. This was the first wave in the sets. The next waves were breaking bigger and farther out.

Here is the second turn of Lester and check the wave in the back. This surf spot was firing a little bit.

There are more than three peaks working today. Check the left in the south of the beach. Over there was surfing Mr. David, he is paddling to get that wave.

The main peak of this spot not is working too much. Usually the peaks in the side are working better, but today some waves over there were the best one.

Here is Shara getting a wave overhead. She have lucky today, check her wave!!!.

Josh was the only one have a tube today. He have a very nice left today. The direction of the swell is making the left have open tubes.

Josh disappear for a little bit in this left. Today the lefts we’re beating the rights.

That wave keep going with good shape and Josh is looking for a trick. Will we see what he made.

This wave finish in the very inside and Josh need to stop in a second. This is a cut mixing with a late back.

Remember the surfer checking the waves in the golf cart yesterday. Here is Mr. John riding one of the nice left in the set.

You have been under water holding your breath during two waves crash on you?. The surfer with the tombstone, probably will have his first experience.

The wave in front Mark And David surf camp was working really good and not was any surfer there. The next swell probably will made to works a lot of our breaks. Where are you thinking to go to hit that swell?

The NSR surf team is thinking to go visit our beach break in the very south. We probably hit three different surf spot so be tuned all the time.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello party people!!!! This is D-lite back at you with your Saturday NSR surf report. Today was a tad small but still super fun. It was running about knee to chest high with some strong winds at times. This is our girl Kiki catching a sweet little nugget to start the day off. She has..

Beautiful waves today but no many people made it out. Shoulder high waves on the bigger sets, strong offshore winds and chilly water. Check out the lineup!

Hey everyone, Brian here, with your Thursday afternoon surf report. Checked out one of the breaks down the beach today to find a handful of surfers and some fun waves coming in. Mostly chest to shoulder high peaky surf coming in with the occasional head high set rolling through, with steady offshore winds. Check it..