How offshore do YOU think it was?

Just ask this guy. Jaja – can be pretty frustrating at times.

If you go left, you’re going pretty much with the wind, like here.

Try going right, or even doing a cutback and you’ll feel like you’re going against about 100 mph winds in your face.

I’m seriously not even kidding. I was shooting from a monopod today right near the waters edge and I had sand hitting so hard from the feet up. Almost lost my hat 3 times, so had to lock it down to my monopod. Blew shooting a couple of waves because I couldn’t even stay still from the sudden winds gusts… oh the life of offshore windy places haha!

I looked back over my shoulder to see this incredible eye candy.

That last image was from my 100-400mm lens on my camera. This is with my iPhone and still couldn’t get a wide enough shot. That thing was HUGE!

Is it me or does this shot and the water just look incredibly COLD?!?!?!

But believe me when I say, the water’s still ironically very warm, considering how many days we’ve had these NUTSO winds!

T-PEE A-Frame wind swept waves all over. With only 3 or 4 people out. Mmmmmmmm!!!

This little grom has been out quite a bit. Anyone know his name?? I’ve heard he’s “French”?? That’s about all I know.

But I reckon this isn’t all he knows, when it comes to surfing. Little dude’s been ripping!!!

NMRK is a 4:20PM staple at any one of the many afternoon breaks along this stretch of beach.

Really doesn’t matter the angle I get of him….

He’s always ripping!!!

Yeaaaaahhhhhh BUDDY!!!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Friday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The swell continued to fade today, but there were still some decent waves if you knew where to look.

What’s up surfers of the world? Welcome to another beautiful day in Southern Nicaragua. The waves are showing up and the wind is not slowing down, but everyone is out surfing!