A few locals made it out to the beach with us and were so stocked to have some waves to be caught. Young Rex doesn’t care how small it is because he’s getting younger all the time. He’s also started naming his own maneuvers, hoping to get famous. Check him out with a sick maneuver he calls the “Cherrio Snap”.

After attending a 1 week intensive training session at the NSR Surf School, this little kid has been surfing for only two months. It looks like he’s a natural – catching tons of waves and taking rides all the way to the beach.

Everybody out there was taking advantage of the really good surfing conditions we had. Here we have a shot of this unknown PALE rider on a nice and clean right. It was BUTTER I tell you!

AIR! AIR! AIR! “Carita de Venado” Davila was ripping all over the place this morning. He’s so happy with his new board sponsored by Tom “El Viejo Pelon” Eberly. It is so nice to see that somebody is helping the local kids out.

Whoa! Where did that set wave come from? It looks like we have a building swell today and some fun waves over the next several days. It’s a great time to surf in Nicaragua!This is Lucha Manduca signing off for today.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Hi friends, this is Jairo “Come Pan” Garcia with the surf report for today. I headed out to another surf spot around town. It’s chest to shoulder high on sets and the wind is offshore, (we are lucky to have good waves like this right now, because normally we’ve got really small waves and cold..