This photo looks a bit like yesterday, but with two days of waves in a row we don’t mind repetition like this.

This is a good way to end your wave if it loses its shape. wa chaiiiii.

Not only the adults had fun today. The kids had a piñata and a clown for Anicha’s birthday. Felicidades Anicha!

It was funny, the kids collected many candies when the Piñata broke and when I wanted to grab some, there wasn’t any.

The size of the wave gave the opportunity for those who used the boogie board get into the tube.

Shouts out to Fermin’s mom, Ms. Friné Guerrero and her family was visiting from Managua. They enjoyed a good sunset and a drinking a little of the best rum from Nicaragua – Flor de Caña of course.

If you’ve never ridden a horse, here may be your first time with NSR, Girls can show you that horses are tame.

The cuts were the maneuvers used today. This cut was strong, was the best option if you brought good speed.

The last two guys in the water this evening were hunting down just one more sweet one in the failing light.

Ok my friends, Chupa Lacataka from Masachapa my father and my friend Oliver said goodbye. Wishing you’ve had a good Sunday. Bye.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hi and welcome to another report from somewhere in the pacific coast of Nicaragua. The waves are still running small, the winds are blowing offshore and the water is just a bit chilly. Check it out!!!

Hi folks, it is Lucha Libre here with the Thursday report from Playa Maderas. The waves finally picked up today and everyone out there was super stoked. It was running about chest to shoulder high on the bigger sets, the winds were nice offshore and the water was nice and fresh. Check out the lineup!!!