This is Kevin Huang, our other surf report photog. He sent me a text saying that it was starting to look pretty good out front.

That might of been why he was running to the surf?

Then again, I’d be running too if I saw this.

There was only about 4 guys out when I got down there. This wave obviously just going by unridden. What a shame.

Kevin paddled and was out there in no time, already snagging a few nice rights like this here.

The lefts were pretty good too and the conditions were pretty stellar.

Kevin again on a nice little inside section.

It looked almost glassy, even though the offshore’s were blowing.

Just two dudes out sharing one of the many peaks that was firing this late afternoon.

There were plenty of waves that went by unridden, and a lot of them had some nice barreling sections as well.

Case in point.

I cruised a little further down the way and saw this kid ripping.

Doing big backside turns like this on every wave all the way into the beach.

The outside sets were definitely well over head.

Just another great day to be a surfer, surfing in Nicaragua.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello everyone! This is Baldo, I´m the new guy at NSR and this is my first Surf Report at Santana beach. Forgive me if the photos are not the best looking ones but I just did my best with the conditions. The waves were small but always fun! Enjoy!