The beach break was my first initial place to check, but as you can see it was pretty stretched out and fast. Still beautiful and some nice size tho!

I knew I needed to go somewhere that could handle the size… maybe somewhere with a little reef.

Somehow, that was everyone else’s idea today too! Looks SOOO Clean!!!

But believe me when I say, not all sets were so beautifully groomed and perfect like that last one. Carlos chirping out on a solid closeout.

Antonella contemplating her back-dooring game! Get into that thing girl!

The consistency was, I’d say around a 7 out of 10. With a lot of the outside bombs catching everyone in the lineup off guard.

Jeison was surfing this like it was little Haleiwa.

Taking it all the way to the toilet bowl section each and every wave.

I tried hard to get some clips for the insta-stories with my iPhone, but the winds were so strong that I almost dropped my camera each time I tried to use my other hand with my phone. Needless to say, there was a lot of water AND wind moving around out there today.

One of the much bigger sets feathering way outside.

If you could hold your position without sitting too deep, the big ones would eventually roll right through to the inside and offer up some nice shoulders like this here. Getting to your feet, well…. you’re on your own!

A buddy of mine said that “of the pictures from the last couple days, the photos actually make it look a lot better than it really was”. I’d have to agree, especially because you’re not going deaf from the high winds in your ears just looking at the photos.

Going right is actually pretty impressive at this wave, this time of year. You’re pretty much going against the grain (i.e. the offshore winds) so anyone getting a lot of speed, shows exactly how well one can surf this wave.

Gnarly offshores, snowballing sections, and now pretty chili water with most likely lots of sting rays from all the upwelling… I’m not sure we can still call this place paradise anymore haha.

Local surfistas vs the elements… I think today was an even tie!

Tomorrow’s supposed to be the same size…. could be another super fun day!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hey everyone, welcome back to the start of another great weekend. We’ve got some fun waves out there, so let’s kick it off!