Bunch of people made it to the beach and the lineup was a little bit busy as well. Here is a shot of the scene we had on the beach.
Pedro “El Cacaste” Flores was able to paddle this afternoon and picked up some sweet ones. Here he is racing down the line of this beautiful left hander.
I took the water housing out for a while, enough to snap a couple of different and interesting shots. Here is caught this chick riding a perfect right all the way in. What a nice wave, uh!
How about this closed out shot of “El Mope” Miranda with an intense bottom turn right in front of the camera. Check out the expression on his face, he was so ready to destroy this wave.
Hey viewers! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The wind was relatively mild today, especially in the morning and evening. It was small, but I’ll take small with no wind at Pangas over big and nuking wind.
Monday did not disappoint! Welcome to today’s surf action from Panga Drops. I took photos in the morning and in the evening. This chica has been crushing it at sunset the past few days. She doesn’t miss many waves haha!
Sunday Funday! Welcome to this morning’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. There was a surprise bump in the size and the wind was light. Probably the best waves we’ve had in a week or two, in my opinion. Zach with a big late drop and a cameo from..
Hi folks, this is Miguel bringing you all the action for this Wednesday surf report. Today we went to the beach in the afternoon with a few friends, trying to get a couple fun waves. The waves were small but super fun, running about waist to chest high on sets with nice offshore winds. Check..
Today the NSR Photographers were out on the beach with the cameras and got a few shots. Chick on this picture above to see if you got shot in Nicaragua!!!
Welcome to the surf report for today. This is Jairo “Come Pan Panic” reporting out here at Maderas. We’re still lucky because we still have good waves and we even have another swell in the water coming over the next few days. It’s headhigh on sets and the wind is strong offshore. Check it out.