Checklist for a full day of surfing/photos: one swim fin (because two are overrated in today’s cutting edge style), candy (keep the blood sugar high between session), one bandaid (if the reef decides to get in our way), and zinc. Ok, estamos listos…vamos!!

It’s not a worthwhile expedition if somebody isn’t dragged out of the bed at the last minute and forced to come. The only remaining question is why Junior’s tongue is blue at 6am…

Armando Lopez, Josh Springfield, Alex Junior, Mando Mulo, and I went south to get back to NSR’s roots. Not to mention, we also scored.

We pulled up to the first spot and I didn’t even have time to adjust the camera before this screaming right rolled through. The early wake up and bumpy drive was worth it.

First up to bat: Alex Junior. I would compare this spray to a ground double. If you are wondering, yes, Rivas just won the series and the Gigantes are the LNBP champions!!!

He is one of the quickest improving surfers in our area. Up until about two years ago, he was working hard and did not have a board. These days, he finds a great work-life balance.

Josh Springfield was still half asleep because he’s been playing cards into the wee hours of the morning (more like beating his family in cards). Maybe that’s why he didn’t show more character on this frontside cut.

Check out the left at the nearby reef! Empty, open faces, and an adrenaline kick.

That’s enough to get Armando over there throwing buckets! I’d throw gallons and gallons too if I was as strong as him…

Junior was on cloud nine today. He was so stoked to surf new waves with his amigos (and eat some Tip Top dinner).

I couldn’t take my eyes off the right. Finally somebody came to their senses and made their way out there…

NSR’s community service projects have taken a few turns and dips so we settled on a new idea. We told a few local boys if they worked hard, showed up on time, and their bosses nodded in approval, we would treat them to a free day of surfing, food, good times, and plenty of photos. Mando received his reward in full at this beach break. Keep up the hard work and we will honor our end of the bargain!

Junior didn’t need those offshore winds to complement his spray. Yeah buddy!!

This just in, Armando is still tearing up the faces of empty left handers. Judging by the crowd (or lack there of), he was the only one confident enough to surf over shallow rock.

Speaking of crowds, they filled in towards the end of our session. That’s why Armando and I were the first out of the water.

Onto the next stop! However, we were worried the heavy traffic would delay our surf plans.

Tell me guys, how does it feel to be teenagers, surf for 2 hours, eat an ice cream breakfast, and then do it all over again? For the record, they did it again between the second and third sessions when we devoured the Swedish Fish.

Despite being the dry season, the mountanous landscape was gorgeous! However, I prefer living next to Nicaragua’s best barrels and playing nine holes of golf in between tides.

Armando, are you sure you know where we are going?!?! Your fast mumbling Spanish, long response time, and slight look of hesitation on your face might indicate otherwise…

Draining barrels, beautiful shades of water, and already burnt legs calls for water shots! Session numero dos, dale pues!!!

The first charger was Armando’s friend Jerson Barbosa. He had this spot, and the green room, wired.

But any good friend needs to answer! Armando sticking a frontsider in response.

Junior played new Taylor Swift songs for our presession pump up. Plenty of Blank Space and peeling tubes down the line for Junior.

As his nickname indicates, Mulo is an incredibly hard worker in and out of the water. Next time we take the boys on a surf mission, you’ll see him pulling into gnarly backside tubes.

Josh would like to apologize to our audience because our report is being uploaded so late. He was too busy packing a perfect one.

The hair and face says it all… congrats on a sick wave, Josh! He was locked in for a solid 4 seconds before getting spit out.

We met a new friend today: Jaco. Now I know where to find you in the next month you are here amigo!

Let’s keep talking about friendship. Mulo is selfless for not calling off the selfish Junior on this wave. Junior, it think it’s only fair that you give Mando your portion of Swedish Fish…

Jerson was the master of this break and the double hand stall today. Keep ripping hombre!

If you want bragging material for your friends, 100 extra likes on Instagram (no filters need), or a new Tinder picture, schedule an NSR photographer. We will send you home to jealous friends or some extra confidence to swipe right.

Josh, Alex, Mando, and I want to say a huge thank you to NSR for lending us their truck for the day! Heather and Carl, you guys hooked it up, made an epic day possible, and helped stoke out the younger generation. Also, thank you Armando for being a stud of a driver, taking us to firing breaks, and breaking it down on the dance floor in the driver’s seat!

Alright guys and gals, it’s time for some to celebrate Rivas’ big win and time for others (like myself) to catch some Z’s. Thank you all for checking out the report and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Buenas noches!!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

We have more rights compared with the lefts, but both are perfect and a little long. Really fun in longboard and shortboard too.