Tropical aqua blue water served up with an extra side order of Papagayo Winds. Sounds like a typical January day here in southern Nicaragua.
The waves here normally have some kind of offshore winds blowing up the wave face (I’d say most of the year) but how you can really tell when the winds are in their peak season is by looking out at the open ocean. White caps = straight offshore and muy fuerte!
Those said winds also make for some dramatic assistance to any kind of big carving maneuvers like this one Koji is throwing down.
It was definitely a cooker out there today at the playa on the sand, even in the late morning. But Adam and his workout crew were probably super stoked on the fact that the winds were helping to cool things off a little bit.
Yuji demonstrating some of is new skills out in the lineup. Shredding little buddy!
Obviously he’s getting pretty comfy on his backhand as well. Check out the smooth calm stance coming off this bottom turn, while eyeballing that oncoming section over his shoulder at about 9 o’clock..
Makes sense where the kids get their talent from. Here’s pops tightly compressed coming around the section, about to unleash off that top turn. How about them winds??
Here Brett shows the gremmies how to get barreled, even on a small(er) day.
Quick study student, Koji, puts his visual to the test on an even bigger (pound for pound) wave than his dads.
You’d paddle out right?
If you happened to say, mmmm well, maybe? Then maybe going on a beach run with your pup until the tide comes up is an equally rewarding way to burn off some of them Toña’s you drank last night. Either way, its a win – win!
Speaking of winning. John Martin always helping to make this place that much cleaner and enjoyable since everyone knows most of all trash eventually makes it’s way to the ocean. Thanks John for helping with the clean up and making it that much more of an even better beach.
See that… C L E A N & pristine sandy beach. No basura!!! Ok my weekend warriors. I hope you got some of that swell (if you’re on the North Pacific side of the world) if not I hope you had an enjoyable weekend day. I’m going to the big city tonight and won’t be back until mañana so Kevin was nice enough to switch a day with me. Stop on by tomorrow to see what he’s got going on. Adiós por ahora ~
Monday did not disappoint! Welcome to today’s surf action from Panga Drops. I took photos in the morning and in the evening. This chica has been crushing it at sunset the past few days. She doesn’t miss many waves haha!
Sunday Funday! Welcome to this morning’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. There was a surprise bump in the size and the wind was light. Probably the best waves we’ve had in a week or two, in my opinion. Zach with a big late drop and a cameo from..
Good morning to everyone! This is Eric checking in with the day’s surf update! There is a small wave out here for the hungry! Little sets are coming in consistently, and first thing this morning, there wasn’t a soul out there!