Midday was the time today. Lately the later afternoon time had the optional tides to get on it if you wanted to optimize your surf session, but now it’s been all about the midday sun in the fun.

Exactly!!! I second what this guy’s saying!

Colin came out to play in the fun waves we’re having,

Taking time to get his legs working on both the rights and the lefts.

Schralper of the day goes to Mr. Hayden. DUDE was on fire today!

You can’t have a Sunday Funday without a proper sand fight amongst you and your closest friends.

I feel like this guy is at a disadvantage though… two to one odds, he’s getting beat badly by the mujeres. Dodge and weave buddy, dodge and weave. I’m sure he doesn’t mind.

Dario, whom made a guest appearance on one of my insta-stories today said it was “alright” out there.

But then again that’s coming from a guy who surfs, kite surfs, windsurfs and skates every day, so today was (in my best Matthew McConaughey voice)…Alllllllright! Alllllllright! Alllllllright!

Colin, my other buddy who took the other side of the commentary on the same live story said it was fun. How was that 20 wave set after you got out amigo???? and don’t lie, you know you said that line from that last capion in your best Matthew McConaughey voice from Dazed and confused…Alllllllright! Alllllllright! Alllllllright! Haha

Nice looking photo of a nice gal walking up the beach, right. What you don’t see is how hard she must be hanging on to her board so it doesn’t go flying away to Guasacate.

If you need an example of thus said winds…. here ya go!

Tati going for one of the long rights that were up for grabs out there today.

She got it! Get ready for a long ride and a lot of wind in your face chica!

Carlos with his signature layback cutty, finds a little in-between time for a quick little wave while he’s giving a lesson.

This gal was getting a lesson too down the way. For being a somewhat of a beginner, I have to say she was charging it out there with how big and windy it was.

Look in your rear view mirror dude!!!

Colin speed lining it on one of those really long rights.

Meanwhile Hayden going for the hail marry closeout crack off the top on the left.

Take a good look at this pic… and then proceed to the next shot.

Ok. What do you notice? If you guessed the rubber persuasion being worn by both gentlemen you would be correct. Now I can officially say it… it’s that time of year again. Burrrrrr!!!

Sets stacking out the back. I kid you not, this set came out of nowhere and it had easily 20 waves in it.

Here’s Mr. Hayden on maybe the 4th or 5th wave of that set. What do you think he’s planning on doing with all that speed….???

How about a great big grab rail slam it on the breaks huge carving turn slash hook under the lip like you see in this 6 image sequence. Ooooffff and ya, he pulled it off – Baller status homie!

Aside from the windy offshore air, there were some other kinds of airs going down.

I kept a close eye on all the surfing action for 2 maybe 3 hours today, but was reluctant to see one barrel. I saw a few attempts, but I hoped this was going to possibly be my mystery barrel surfer of the day…

RATS!! He hit the eject button too soon! Oh well…. there’s always tomorrow.

Looking back at todays waves, fun beach vibe and all around good time at the playa… I have to say it was a great Sunday Funday!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hey there, Happy Saturday people. Today we had some fun little waves coming through with all of about 4 people out there enjoying the surf. Compruébalo aquí!