Plenty of little corners to pick off across the lineup.
When the set waves would come in they were pretty nice size as well.
If you put yourself in the right spot you might even find a little coverup for the morning start to the day.
Another resident of the community Asher here always good for a shot or a clip as he is consistently shredding.
Super fun little morning session and after shooting I went for a surf it was still good, thinking it’s gonna be good at sunset!
So if you didn’t get out this morning I def suggest you get out there later today.
So get out there and split some peaks with your buds! Glad you came to check us out today, we’ll see you back here tomorrow same place maybe different time lol Later ya’ll!
Hey viewers! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The wind was relatively mild today, especially in the morning and evening. It was small, but I’ll take small with no wind at Pangas over big and nuking wind.
Monday did not disappoint! Welcome to today’s surf action from Panga Drops. I took photos in the morning and in the evening. This chica has been crushing it at sunset the past few days. She doesn’t miss many waves haha!
Sunday Funday! Welcome to this morning’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. There was a surprise bump in the size and the wind was light. Probably the best waves we’ve had in a week or two, in my opinion. Zach with a big late drop and a cameo from..
Welcome to your Tuesday surf report/action from Sunny Southern Nicaragua. Where days like this, even in January can be one of your best get-a-ways from the bulkier peak season crowds and more expensive prices. Check it out!