Here is an unknown rider on a nice little left.

And here is a fun little right coming in with another guy on it.

Another great sunset out here at the beach today. Check back for more fading swell tomorrow.

We are still waiting for the picture to come back for today, but we wanted to announce that we are having an “early season special” for the NSR Beach House. If you want to come to Nicaragua and catch uncrowded surf, now is the time to do it. From now until March 31, 2006 we are dropping the weekly rate to $1400 – for the whole house. Do the math – that’s only $50/night per person if you have 4 people for this oceanfront house. The early season is a great time to come because you’ll almost be guaranteed to get sessions at Colorado all by yourself. Email us for availability:[email protected]

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.