Rex “La Bestia” is one of the junior who surf best this wave. Here he goes seconds away to get into the green room, he’s so excited because he doesn’t surf this wave very often.

The tide was coming in, so it’s suppose to get better. Here is this guy from Managua but we couldn’t remenber his name. He was catching a couple of good lefts out there.

Here goes “Come Pan Panic” flying out with the water camera to catch some water shots. Seriously i’m going to call him “La Palomita Guaciruca” if he does that once again.

Did we say that the tide was coming in? Here is this shot that Come Pan took from the water, one of our friends and i right behind the big curtain.

Here is Ivan “El Dientito” Merlos with a cool shot from a nice angle. It looks like Come Pan is improving his skills very fast and hopefully he will be ready to paddle out at outter reef next time.

There is always somebody getting in trouble. Check out Pedro “Pica Piedra” sequence about to kill himself. Please guys, if you don’t know how to surf this wave don’t paddle out, you have to be very careful. Shot 1.

Shot 2, check out his head in the red part about to hit the rocks. I don’t even think to be on his shorts.

Shot 3, after a little bit more tham a minute diving for some fish he made it out without any hurt. Can you belive it? Later on, he paddled back out!!!

Here is Willian “El Gorila” Merlos with a sweet shot from the rocks. These guys really scored today, even with the strong offshore wind.

Danilo “Kambute” Herrera made it back to the action today and was surfing pretty well. Check this shot out by Jairo Panic about to snap the lip.

One more shot of “Kambute” snapping the lip with so much power on the same wave. He was having so much fun out there, that’s really good.

Gerardo “El Mope” was charging in front of the rocks today. Here he goes riding a sweet left close to the reef and seconds away to get shack.

How about “La Gaviota” Chamorro with a pretty sick maneuver against the danger of the rocks if he fall right there. Nice job buddy!!!

Close to the beach this wave was breaking pretty good and nobody was out so far. By the way this is a beach break.

Later on “La Bestia” was looking up this wave for a while and decided to paddle out with Come Panic to prove that it was breaking good. Please check back tomorrow.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.