I took some time and waited for some more people to paddle out. A couple hours later the waves were looking a little better and there was a handful of surfers out enjoying the ocean!

Here’s what the lineup looked like around nine o’clock this morning. Mostly longboards out there, super mellow vibes and a bunch of friends sharing the waves!

I’m not joking about everyone sharing waves. Lot’s of doubles-rides going down on these playful swells!

Parker paddled out and he and Kenny had a cutback contest! Here’s Parker’s try, displacing some water!

Next up was Kenny’s wave, hitting the brakes right here! Extra points if you spray the other surfer!

Kenny has been catching so many waves these past few mornings! I bet the wave count is over a hundred for you the last few days Kenny! Bottom turning into a sweet right-hander!

Perfect A-frames came rolling in all morning long! Here’s Jack getting in early on a nice one! How did you start your morning today? Come on down to this great country and do it like we do!

We had one local guy in the lineup this session. Here he finds himself a fun ramp, setting up just behind the peak!

Directly across from us here at the NSR shop is Scoops and Spokes. Stop by, rent a board and then go grab a tasty power snack before you hit the beach! Coming back to Nicaragua after being away for a few years, we now have all sorts of new shops and little tiendas to explore! This spot has everything from comfy breakfast foods like croissants and muffins, to quality ice cream cones!

We’ll say goodbye for now! Muchas gracias for checking in with us today! Be sure and stay tuned this week, as we are expecting a little swell to come in the next couple of days! Maybe it’s time for some friendly beach break barrels! I sure hope so! Have a good monday everybody! Ciao for now!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello everybody. The swell lose energy today. This is how looks the waves in the morning. The wind was stronger, so not body was in the line up. Check it out.