First off, here’s Devin on a a super clean inside race track right. How’s the for a wave in January eh???

There’s been some really fun waves as of lately and today was super clean with really clean light offshore winds and the water is still arguably warm, considering about now it should be pretty freaking chilly.

If your beach day consists of these kinds of smiles, then you’re doing something right!

I wish I could have you all show by a raise of hands, but you can just answer honestly in your minds… what feels better to you all… a solid bottom turn or a nice crack off the top???

You know what I do know, is that Ryan is feeling right at home on this chunky and bigger than it looks warbly nasty but super cool looking left.

Roundhouse wraps all day at this place and as many as you can squeeze in, if you’ve got the leg stamina.

Tommy Tsunami taking a late afternoon drop at the drops.

Not sure who this lone surfer is, but I like his steezy style of a bottom turn.

His top turn maybe could have been a little higher to utilize more energy of the wave though.


Closeout section…. no problem!

If you ever want to challenge your inner surfing voodoo child…. I recommend starting with one of these.

If you ever want to challenge your inner voodoo child experience, visit Stop and Go Surf!

Not quite Rincon, but I bet you a million cordobas, our queen of the coast is more spicy and more consistent than any surf spot in CA. I’m a native, so go ahead and place your bets now!

I wonder if Chandler still has a “single fin mentality” after all these years???

Cesar is a four four four man…and if you like numbers and encryption then you’ll know this hombre is always serious about his surfing anytime of the day. Everyone else can go stick a banana in their tailpipe!! Jajajajaaja

Mr. Tom say… “today was a good day!!! Peace out!!!!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Happy Thursday you fine surfers and other people who appreciate yourselves some fine surfing. It was another gorgeous day in the land of waves’o’plenty. The spot was on fire and everyone was out getting theirs. Come peek a look!