Nicaragua Surf Report for Sunday, January 24, 2021

Brian Scott

Feliz Domingo Global gente! Today definitely didn’t feel that all much like a true Nica-Land Sunday Funday…. I think a lot of people have major goma from last night and were keeping indoors and out of the sun hahahaha ~ But either way, here’s what I saw!

Brian Scott

The only 2 (two who are actually 2 of the sweetest peeps in the neighborhood) happen to be out enjoying the beautiful Sunday that it was..… but what was weird is, I couldn’t quite tell what they were so mesmerized by the way they were looking so intently out at the open ocean. It certainly wasn’t surfers, because like I said, I check 3 or 4 times today and didn’t see anyone out surfing. Turns out they were watching a pod of dolphins, which is really really rare sight to see, as most dolphins that are seen are usually way out at sea and in the deeper way off the coast. So pretty cool that they even saw and noticed that!

Brian Scott

Ahhhh…. finally some people started to show up! The good thing was that it was so low tide that the people didn’t really even have to paddle out. I mean they could actually almost stand there and catch a wave, heck maybe even stand in a barrel throwing directly over them.

Brian Scott

Still a little size today, but the swell definitely has diminished from the yesterday and before.

Brian Scott

This dude came out…. as a matter a fact I didn’t even see him paddle out he was so stealthy!  I don’t know who he is, but he sure reminds me of Vin Diesel from the movie “Riddick” with the sweet water goggles!

Brian Scott

He was the only one out there really ripping, but out of the three that did show up, it looked like they were having a good time!

Brian Scott

Vin Diesel (sorry dude - I don’t know your real name) but we’ll go with that one for today. You were ripping buddy!!!!

Brian Scott

In case you missed the entire internet today and haven’t been quite up to speed with the worldly funnies …. I just thought you should know that today is the Waxing Gibbous moon and its at 84% full. OHHHH and you can fully say that you’ve been MOONED by Bernie today on the NSR report!!!! Jajajaja - (Sorry, I wanted to play too!!!)

Brian Scott

I’m usually always hoping for more swell….. but as it seems right now, I’m praying for more people. It feels so empty. But I think still maybe it’s everyones “Goma’s” from going to Gigante last night.

Brian Scott

And just like that, it’s another mother and daughter Sunday Funday from your favorite Nicaraguan surf report resource!!!!! Diacachimba ~