The beachie was holding the new southwest pulse very well. Check out the nugget Nacho found.

I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming because of the all the rights. Nacho, awake and ready, enjoying them.

Fueled by 50% gallo pinto, 30% Victoria, and 20% marshmellow fluff, he is putting his new Shapeshifter to good use.

Josh Springfield was jealous of Nacho’s surfing face so he wanted to show the ladies what he has to offer. Looks like Josh will teach Nacho a thing or two.

After tearing down the face of a shoulder high wave, Josh put all his speed into the corner. Maybe he can attract some chicas with his barrel face and robot dance moves.

It is a minor swell so the interval is manageable so the sandbars absorbed the energy really well. Nothing strong, huge, or epic, but still very fun for the offseason!

DJ was part of the morning crew. Despite the blue morning light and his killer stache, he was still searching for shade.

Today was a day for the regular footers but leave it up to Josh to find the one rolling left. He was also playing peekaboo with the tubitos and camera today.

Some waves can be fast and racey at this break. Nobody wants to miss the barrel section or the inviting face so maintain your speed or score some local knowledge. Thankfully, the waves kept coming all morning so everybody went to the breakfast table happy with their morning score!

DJ made the most of the incoming wave. He jammed the wall almost as hard and fast as a firework blows up… It’s good to see you back in the water bro!
If you want to to kill a few minutes before that midweek meeting, check out this video Chris Green’s crew made. They have traveled all through Central America but loved their trip to Nicaragua. We enjoyed having you guys and we’ll hopefully see your crew at Casa Blanca again next year! #heyscooot

Back at the NSR surf shop, we have plenty of sunglasses to protect your eyes. During our summer (North America’s winter), the sun is very strong so protect your eyes! We have a variety of Nectar glasses for sale.

If you want to rock more style, check out our D’Blanc selection. Also, remember the eye doctors are still providing free eye care at the Gasper Garcia Liviana high school in Tola. They are operating 8am to 5pm until Friday afternoon.
Tenemos un anuncio para las personas locales. Hay una Brigada Medica llegando a Tola del 18 al 29 de Enero desde las 8:00a.m a 5:00p.m. Ellos estaran atendiendo en la Escuela Gaspar Garcia Laviana. Si tu necesitas una consulta de un oftalmologo, o por alguna infeccion o quemadura de sol, por favor utiliza esta oportunidad completamente gratis.

Back at the playa, Josh is one of the most dedicated and hard working surfers in the lineup. Check out his sequence!

Remember in October, I placed a $5 bet that Josh would be pulling airs in 3 months? Maybe I should have gone all in with my paycheck like Josh did in poker two nights ago…

Josh Josh Florence is achieving new heights every day.

Despite very soft breezes, I still blame the offshores for his trick. Should we place another $5 bet that he’ll be sticking them in 2 more months? Keep at it primo!!

Nacho and I are jealous that our East Coast friends scored epic waves from Jonas. However, the conditions are pretty rough here: 85 degree air, 75 degree water, clear blue water, and rippable shoulder high waves. Regardless, we’d still appreciate you bringing us one juicy Philly cheesestake and you guys staying safe on any frozen roads!

In case you don’t believe us that the rights were firing with gentle offshores, take one more good look.

Ok chicos, it is lunch break at NSR, which means we will see you in the lineup in 10 minutes! Thank you all for checking out the report today and we will see you tomorrow. Adios amigos!!

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

For about twenty days in row we have good waves every day and all this people in the line up are learning about how these wave work and now they are getting the first tube in his life. Here in Nica Land.