The rights were definitely holding up better but there were also some nice lefts every now and then. Goyo Gollito Pocoyo Chocoyito with a sick drop on a solid head high lefty.

This is Joaquin from Brazil, he’s only 11 years old and he was charging some nice mini bombas out there. Way to go chatelito!!!

Sick peelers all day long, as you can see. Can anybody take this please?

Jack Sparrow made it out on his super airplane. It was nice to see you out there amigo!

A few beginners made it out and they were no worried about getting pounded. Hold on tight fella!

Quite a few longboarders made it out and they were taking some nice ones in the inside. Just chilling!

There is always a nice wipeout to shot when the waves pick up some size. Watch out amigo, do not kill yourself.

Zach Zacatecas was able to paddled out and he got some nice one as well. Giving some extra work to his fins.

We are training a new guy to stay shooting around some beach breaks during the season. Today it was his second day with the camera and he snapped some cool shots. Here is one of them, as a proof!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hey guys, the season is about to start and it is looking pretty good so far, judging for the offseason waves we are getting right now. The rights were dominating today and a few guys were having a blast out there. Chest to shoulder high waves on the bigger sets, nice offshore winds and sick..