This morning the lefts were breaking the same good like the rights. Mr. Robertson is going in a mission. Ride the firts good wave this year.

Woow this it is nice, see the people is going in left and right in this beautiful peaky wave. That could be a good communication in the water between the to surfers paddling in this one.

This friend look like he is learning and he is recording his experience in the Go pro camera. I can see how proud he it is to his wave.

Some of this people is trying to scape from this set and one is trying to take. All gets pounding, so imagine how that looked. Boooooooomp!!!!!!

Here is the ninja surf(Jonny) dropping the a little floater air in the end of his wave.

You know this guy, he is too famoust in NSR, Is Mr. Thomas in another of his good wave.

Were a lot of solit waves today. Here is one visitor riding one of the nice left today.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

The north swell is lighten’ up some new peaks and giving us some sick right handers. Head high waves on the bigger sets, kinda strong offshore winds at some point during the day, and the water a little chilly. Check it out!!!

Hey guys, the season is about to start and it is looking pretty good so far, judging for the offseason waves we are getting right now. The rights were dominating today and a few guys were having a blast out there. Chest to shoulder high waves on the bigger sets, nice offshore winds and sick..