I heard the waves were good early this morning, with no wind which made them glassy and really nice.

By the time I arrived to take photos the wind had already picked up a bit so, it wasn’t that clean but still the surf was great.

As usual for Panga Drops, there were a bunch of late drops that seemed a waste of time and effort but if you know this wave, you still have plenty of time to get to the face of the wave and shred all the way to the sand.

Kevin was out and about, doing all kind of crazy turns and aerials all over the place.

He is always here ripping and marking the pace for the rest.

Here is Oscar following Kevin’s steps very closely…

After a nice snap he goes for an air.

Finishing the air with a soft landing on the face of the wave.

And to top it off, he rode the last part of the wave backwards, fins first.
**Check out Brian Scott on the back! I think it’s the first time I see him in the water surfing!

Here and there Panga throws some hollow sections that are really hard to find, and most of the time the section catch you first.
*Brian actually made it twice on today’s Surf Report! Way to go buddy!!

But the king of aerials is Kevin for sure. Fast, high (in altitude!) and versatile.

Kevin and Oscar, top surfers of Colorado… if you see them outside the water, ask them for an autograph, they will love it!

Looks like by the end of the week we’ll have some waves so, stay tune and start looking for your flight tickets and reserve your lodging with us. See you soon!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hey everyone, Brian here with the Sunday surf report. We had some medium to smaller super windy peaks at the reef today on the low tide. Lets check it out!