We are more than lucky to have some swell on January. We are really stoked because on this month is always about chest to shoulder high on sets and this year it’s been on fire. Don’t you believe us? Uhhhhh,,,.

The groms were killing it today and young Rex “La Bestia” Calderon wasn’t the eception. Here he is with a sweet radical snap on a nice right.

Larry “Carita de Venado” Davila has been working really hard to become one of the biggest surfers that Nicaragua ever had. Here he is getting shack into another nice wave, this time a left hander.

This guy was having so much fun with Rex and Larry and sharing a good time together. He knows how to surf and was handling the situacion really good with the preasure of having 2 of the best juniors out there. He’s name is Julio “El Coyotito” from Limon trying to fly like a pelican.

The free surfers were out trying to help the junior with their expirience. Here is “El Codo” Lopez remenbering the old times, surfing on a classic board from the 80’s and getting shack. We want to say hi to Ben “Nacho Mamas” Hubet in Canada, check out what you are missing dude!!!

The rights and lefts were coming through one after the other one but everybody prefered to go right today because there were amazing. Here we have Gustavo “Ding Repair” Noguera with a sick vertical move, teaching the kids how to do it.

What about Melkis “El Buitre” Sanchez getting into another sick barrel. We really scored today, didn’t we? Day like this one remind us why we are one of the best country with the best surf in Central America.

Meanwhile everybody was catching a lots of sick waves Jairo Panic was on the beach just watching the action and almost crying to paddle out. So after that we gave him a brake to score and he took advantage of it. Here he goes with a cool aerial move.

This is one of the thing what make our work fun always when we are on the beach and have some swell in the water. Here comes “El Codito” stiring up the elbow to get a breath with the wipe out of the day. Check out his rasta hair going over the falls.

This is one other thing we enjoy too. Everybody spliting the waves and having fun. Here is an awesome peak coming through.

Mario “El Danino” Martinez was part of the show today but not for a long time. You will know what we are talking about on the next shot, meanwhile here he goes setting up for the barrel.

After an amazing barrel in the wave before he got so excited and try to get deepper but he couldn’t make it and this is what he got. He wasn’t very lucky this time and now he has a personal record with 4 broken boards in a month.

It looks like we are going to have good waves this year. So it’s time to book your reservation with NSR, the people who knows best about surf down here in Nicaragua. Check out our packages available on the site or shoot us and e-mail if you have futher questions.

Later on, we went to check another spot upper and we found some good ones. Here is an empty one coming in with no takers, what a pity!!!

There goes “Carita de Venado” riding a nice set wave. This place was going off today, so the groms were taking advantage and scored some fun ones.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.