Yuji on a sweet wave from the morning one of the first waves I saw this morning after pulling out the camera.

Down the beach a bit where there was a little less size I saw Guido pushing Felipe in to some waves! Welcome back guys!

Looks like Brett was enjoying the first round surf of the day, I know he’s gonna get at least 2 rounds in today!

2nd round! Nah this was the same session but yeah buddy laying it down with the big roundhouse into the closeout section.

Not sure where this group of guys is from but they pulled up took a look and all paddled out and got some good ones.

Another one of the guys from that group, looks like they were in a heat this morning all competing for the top score.

Boom! Sick snaps like that will get you a winning score too that’s for sure.. Okay ya’ll thank you for coming and checking us out today! We got some super fun waves and should have some more tomorrow too so cruise back by and see what’s on tap. Adios Amigos

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Welcome to Friday folks! The NSR Friday Surf Report that is. It was a quick and stealthy one, but hey, that’s how surfing is sometimes. When you see the right window you gotta jump and you gotta jump on it QIUCK!