There were a couple of good waves coming through today. Check out “La Baloy” Chamorro getting into a nice backside barrel.

Marlon “El Shaggy” Aburto was taking a few cool waves this morning. Here he goes taking off on one of the best right of the day. Agarreeeeelo mi amigo!!!

This is Manuel “La Bellota” Cascante, he paddled out at first light this morning and was having so much fun. Here he is with a small but sweet spray.

There were some sets at Machete pt this morning but it was pretty unconsistent. Anyway “Don Bigote” made it out and scored some good drops, here he is about to take off on a nice peak.

“El Mope” Miranda has been shredding during this swell. He’s been working hard on his backside moves but now here he is smacking it with so much power. Carefull with your knee buddy!!!

Here comes Jessica “La Capitana” from Texas on the big Kayuco. This chick was charging out there today, here is this shot to prove it.

“La Bestia” Calderon looks so light and faster than ever. Maybe he’s getting younger, here he is with a cool move.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.