Today we are going to start with our very own Carlos “Caliente”. He was catching some waves. Check him out riding on this beautiful right hander.

Here we have Juan “Sonrisa” Busto trying to stand up on this little nugget. He is new to surfing but is a natural in the water, like a dolphin. Here he is about to do his best dolphin nose dive impression. I bet you he came up smiling.

On this shot we have our very own Carlos “Caliente” and our very good friend Randy “El Bambino” riding the same wave at the same time. They are super stoked to share this little wave.

The lineup was very crowded today. We had about 20 or 25 guys in the water trying to catch some waves. This is Jose “El Corage” riding on one of the better waves that he had today.

Here we have for the second time Randy “El Bambino”. He was catching some waves today. Look at him walking around the beach, after the long surf session.

On the last shot of the day we have this beautiful Sunset. Alright folks that’s all for today. We should still have some fun waves for most of this week, so check back tomorrow!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Today we had a bunch of international surfers out there trying to catch some good ones. Here is an unknown rider dropping into a nice right. The waves were small but they had great form.