Even though, there were lots of beginner in the lineup we had a couple of intermediate surfers taking some decent ones. Unknown rider nabbing a cool left hander.

The girls were going crazy today, they were all having a great time and enjoying of the beautiful day we had. Yewwwwww!!!

Did we say the GIRLS??? We have to say that there are lots of beautiful girls around, and they will be out doing party tonight. Tony Z will be saying party San Juan, Party San Juan, but he’s not in town!

Quite a few guys were drinking some Toñas but the girls were pouring some on their hair. They think, the hair keeps healthy!

This kid was the only one riding the shortboard. Check him out with a solid ride all the way in.

Nica people always big smile on the face. No matter how hard we work.

Sweet right handers were rolling in and this guy scored some of the better ones. Way to go fella!

At some point the winds got super strong and people had to run to get all their stuff. Watch out with the chairs chicas!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hi there, Codo Lopez is here with the first report for this February of 2013. The waves were kinda small but there were still some fun ones rolling in. Waist to chest high on the bigger sets, quite strong offshore winds and chilly water. Check it out!!!

Hey boys, It is Lucha Libre here with the first report for February on this 2012. We made it back to Playa Maderas today and we were gratefully surprised because the waves pick up as forecasted. It was running about knee to chest high on the bigger sets but it was closing out a little..

Check it out folks, we’ve got a killer concert coming up May 5, 6 and 7th at the Surf Sanctuary. Click on the link above for more details and ticket info. What kind of music can you expect? The Washington post says:”Sounding occasionally like John Mellencamp’s older, wiser and psychologically mixed-up sibling, Joseph writes..