The day would not be complete if there was not a Johnny (the man) sighting. There was a bit of a crowd at times today as you can see but still plenty of waves to be had. Don’t worry, Mr. Cooper had a bunch of waves all by himself.

The local boys were out in force today. This is Chocoyo with a sick inside left bowl. He got in this one and I thought he was going to come out but got pinched right at the end. I’m pretty sure he is not too worried about it because there will be plenty of time to perfect his tube riding skills in the upcoming surf season.

Lester was out ripping as well. He always seems to be in the perfect spot to catch the best waves. I guess you would too if this is where you learned to surf. I’ve been surfing here for years now and it just blows me away how hard these local groms rip. They make it look so easy.

Here’s is one more of Chocoyo with a nice cutty. The wind was off and on today, there were times when it would die completely and then at other times it would blow like 35 miles per hour. It’s that time of the year but we are hoping it calms down a bit because the forecast looks promising for later in the week.

Armando(Codo) got a nice shot of three of the local rippers heading back to warm up after their session. They definitely don’t surf as long when the water is a bit nippy. Hopefully it will warm back up soon fellas.

There were some Avatars in the line up as well. They flew in and just took our spot over today. They were in a good mood so we didn’t have any altercations with them. We welcome all comers to our beautiful area. We hope you guys can make it down soon to check us out.

It looks like quite a few people are in town to watch the big game a little bit later. I have a feeling there are going to be Super Bowl parties all over the place today. I work up in the northeast during the summers so I guess I’m rooting for the Patriots. How about you guys?

How’s this photo? Armando is the man behind the lens these days. If you guys are planning a trip down to our area we offer half and full day photo shoots. We will document your entire day of getting pitted and throwing some chunks. Hit us up and we will make it happen and you can go home and make all of your friends super jealous.

Hope you guys have enjoyed our report for this fine Sunday. Be sure to check back tomorrow to see what we will be up to. I want to say hello to all my friends and family and hope everyone is well. We are Dwight(D-Lite)McMahon and Armando(Codo)Lopez and we are out!!!!!! PAZ!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hi there, today we stayed around San Juan del Sur area and we got to the beach right about noon. There were a couple of nice waves rolling in but the beach was totally busied by lots of beginners. The winds were super strong offshore and the water a little chilly. Check it out!!!