After the big high tides we’ve been having the last couple of days because of the full moon, the waves started to get better right before sunset.

Elyin “El Pro” Guzman was surfing and giving a great show today, just like every day.

If you were not ready that backwash could make you lose the control and have a fun wipe out.

My neighbor Eric decided not to go to Popoyo for once and try the local beach break.

What do you think Eric? How is Santana beach break comparing it with Popoyo Point Break?

Eric decided that the conditions were better for bodysurfing so he dropped the surfboard and took out his fins.

The NSR Team would like to inform everyone that the famous Casa Brown at Rosada Beach in Rancho Santana, manage by us, will have a full renovation in the next few weeks… if you are planning to come soon, reserve Casa Brown, it’s going to look really nice! I’ll keep you posted.

Look how nice the water looked today!

Elyin continuing with the show.

But the real show was in the sky… the colors that you can see during an every-day sunset here in Nicaragua are amazing.

The only thing missing in this photo is a Margarita glass in her hand… that’s what probably she was thinking right then.

That’s it for today everyone. Thanks for watching and reading! Silla!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

What’s up everybody!? This is Parker checking in to kick off a fresh month of surf reporting. Thanks for tuning in and check out the fun morning shots!