Like I said, all about numero uno today…. well here’s Marcos, probably the number one guy who looks and watches Panga Drops the most out of anyone here in Nicaragua. And ya, that’s him getting out of the water just as I was arriving. Salud and shaka to you too hermano! I just wish you would have paddled back out for me…. haha he’s always all smiles!

Ok, so….. two other people got out just as Marcos was getting out, so that meant that there was only ONE surfer left in the water. What should I do? stick around, maybe go back and see if anyone’s surfing Colorados?

After seeing Grant (pictured here on this pretty sick long right) I knew that even though he was the only one out, I wanted to roll my dice on him hoping this wasn’t his last wave in as well?

Speed-lininig it down the line on the inside section at PD’s does offer a few options, depending on the tide. Could be a bowly barrel, could be a nice section to bash or float off onto the sand…. hmmm what do you think he’s gonna do?

Yeah, he went with the sick turn. But that isn’t even the end of the wave. I do have the entire sequence and he pulled into the end section closeout barrel. You’ll just have to take my word for it, OR maybe it’ll be on the highlights on Instagram a little later.

Always looking for the eye of the wave endlessly!

So yesterday had about 20 + people out here (if you happened to catch my report yesterday). Look at that lineup shot and Grant’s long and lonely paddle back out to anyone of the 4 or 5 peaks as he chooses.

Looks like he chose the northern most peak where the rights were actually pretty good today!

Looks pretty fun when I zoomed in, eh??

Pangas is a thicker, slower but really fun wave when it’s happening. and today it was happening for Grant all by himself.

Taking a few good turns before he has to decide on what to do on that unpredictable end section.

Oh ya, the fishing has been off the hook….. errrr, well, I should actually say, it was on the hook! Carlos with his 1st and numero uno catch of the day. You think he might score some more? Keep scrolling to find out.

This is what hand-line fishing looks like. No fishing pole, no rod or fancy gear or setup. Just a piece of wood, some fishing line and a trusty hook.

The trick is all in the wrist and watching and knowing where the schools are swimming back and forth along the shallow sandy churned up beach break. Carlos has been doing this for years, so he’s got it down to a science.

Not quite big enough for you or I, but quite possibly a grom, or maybe even some of those fish out there… there were some big ones out the jumping for sure!

Back to Grant and his epic solo session. I was stoked for him and I was stoked I actually had someone to photograph surfing today, and someone who surfs well was the cherry on top!

Just another beautiful day here in Sunny Nicaragua, in February.

Julio drove up on his moto after he just finished work and saw Carlos hitting the whitewash, so he grabbed his hand-line quick too, to jump in on the action. Full pants and all! Hey it’s dinner man…. and it’s good and its FREE!!!!

Well there you have it! And look at that keeper. Carlos and the family will eating well tonight!!

You recall what I was talking about on yesterdays report about that wicked backwash on that super high tide…??

BOOOOOM! Hahaha Grant almost made the 8 second bucking bull!!

Double maybe even triple in size from how it looked this morning around 10am. That magic of the high tide swell push and with that I’ll leave to the rest of your fantastic evening. Thanks for stopping on by today!
Cheers! ~

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.