We didn’t have much surfing going on this morning, so our very good friend Manuel “La Bellota” Cascante decided to take the broom and did a cleanup day. Here he is doing his thing!

A few guys determinate to camp out for a few nights. This not exactly the best time for camping because the winds are strong but it is not bad if you are use to it. Welcome down buddy!

This was the only surfer we found in the water today. He was taking advantage in the lineup taking all the waves he wanted. He had the entire beach to himself all morning long.

No more than 2 years ago we had a terrible problem to make it to the most popular beach around town during the rainy season. This river, where more than 10 cars had drowned, from Toyotas to every kind of big ass trucks will not be a problem anymore. Would you take the risk, trying to make it through?

This is how it looks now, a brand new bridge is getting build right now by the mayor office. It is so nice to see that we are getting better every year. Please check back tomorrow and see what we have for you!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

What’s everyone, this is Roberto “Lucha Libre” and Jairo “Come Pan” bringing you all the action for the Tuesday surf report. Today we drove up north to get some really good surf and enjoy one of the many swells we are hoping to get during this year. We checked out one of the better beach..