Brett is back to visit for awhile and get some waves and I know he is stoked to be back in town!

On the flip side it’s Em’s last day so she is getting in as much surf as she can before she has to get going, look forward to having you down again soon!

Good times had by all out in the surf this morning.

Like a big rig truck taking wide turns on this massive roundhouse cutback!

Derek out for the morning session and getting extra cruise-y with all the soul style.

Oh Yeah! Nice waves, gotta load up on the stoke before leaving. Charging the waves and charging the batteries to last until the next trip.

Getting close to Colorado season.. 🙂

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Happy hump day everyone! The winds continue strong but we got a a little bit more swell than the past days, nothing to brag about but hey, every inch count!