Welcome to the Saturday surf report. This is Roberto “Lucha Libre” Garcia bringing you some of the panorama we had on the beach today. It looks like everything comes together, the last days we’ve had super strong winds making the water colder than normal. You guys already know that the cold water is taking much kind of species to the shore in the whole pacific coast as well but today we had a different victim in the water. Millions of jellyfishes washed out on the beach making it really complicated for surfing. The waves were even smaller than yesterday but there were a couple of small ones to be ridden on the big panga. Check it out!!!

A couple of surfers made it out to the beach but they didn’t even think to paddle out into the jellyfishes’ battalion. Nobody wanted to get a try of the poison of these things. Hopefully tomorrow these things will go away because we are expecting to have some bigger waves.

The animals keep looking for a place where they can get warm a little bit. Just image the feeling to prefer to die instead to be living in the cold water. That’s not easy to live with!!!

Would you paddle out looking those things surfing on the lips of every single wave? Do you want to take the risk? Let us know if you would do it because we want to be there to take a couple of pictures and we will make you famous.

A few days ago we posted a photo of this stingray telling you that this is one of the bigger ones that we have seem down here. Today we decided to put something on it that you guys know in the whole world to give you an idea of the magnitude of this thing. This is a standard tooth paste on the stingray, just image the size of it!!!

On the way back home I decided to stop by the baseball field and I took a few shots of he action. Here is this kid trying to connect a home run.Have a good one folks!!!

This just in, we want to give a special shout out to our very good friend and president of the national surfing federation in Nicaragua Javier “El Dragon” Baldovinos for his birthday. This guy has been doing a really good job with the local surfers and this year he’s trying to do it even much better but we have to helping out with some kind of stuff to do his job easier. The surf circuit is supposed to start next month and he wants to keep in good shape because he wants to participate in a couple of categories. Keep working buddy because you are doing it really well!!!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hi folks, it’s Jairo and Roberto reporting from out here at Maderas. It’s even smaller than yesterday but there are still a few rideables for longboarders and also it’s pretty good for beginners. It’s knee to waist high on sets and the wind is offshore. Check it out.