The lineup was not very crowded today. We only had about 5 or 7 surfers out. Here we have an unknown surfer riding on this small but fun little nugget.

On this shot we have this beautiful scene, as you can see everyone was enjoying this beautiful and sunny day. They are super happy taking a break and having a good time.

Today we had a few beginners in the lineup trying to catch some waves. Check this guy out riding one of the many waves that were coming in today.

The waves are still pretty small, but perfect for the long board. Here we have our very good friend Austin. He was catching some good waves. He looks super stoked dropping in on this little left hander.

On the last shot of the day we have this beautiful photo. Alright folks that’s all for today. We hope to have some fun waves tomorrow. Please check back with us!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

We are inviting everyone to the Earthship Pitaya Festival! The festival will be held on Monday Feb. 09 (on the full moon). All proceeds from the festival will go to community development projects in el Carizal, a community just south of San Juan del Sur. The Music Schedule is as follows- Coquito’s Open Stage will..