Some visitors have problem to read the waves, some waves have barrel, but nobody could make them.

The waves were easy to catch, so everybody we’re ready to go. The left was working, but the right was better, really consistent waves, sets come every five minutes in groups of three to four waves.

Today Mateo was the ripper out there. He make around four to five turns in a wave and all like this one, with good style and powerful.

This is Nacho Libre having a little problem with the traffic. This is one of the nice left from today.

The waves in a set have a wall. The point was try to take this wave in the right place to make the tube and don’t be catch for the lip of the wave.

I think the queen of the bee was inside that group of male bees. What is happen over there?

Pump!!! the air of the day. Today is the best day of this year so far. The people in the line up was stoke.

This lady was killing the wave in this longboard. She was waiting just for the best one and we were enjoying the spectacle.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hi dear NSR audience, the surfers got back to the action today and they were all having a good time on the small waves. Chest high waves were rolling in, winds were steady offshore and the water was nice. Check it out!!!

Hi and welcome to your daily surf report. This is Lucha Libre Garcia with a little bit of the action we had out there today. The waves were small and a little desorganized but there were still some fun ones coming in. Waist to chest high sets, quite strong side-offshore winds and chilly water. Check..