Yuji-boy coiling up for an attack on the lip.

Koji teeing up on a little knee-high right. These two brothers are like little ninjas in the water haha.

Yuji cruising on a “Gatorade Blue” left. I wonder if he could’ve found some shade if he pig-dogged the drop.

I don’t think Koji missed many waves this morning. Maybe he got 13 waves in 25 minutes or something like that? Haha

The boys have both been tearing it up on their fresh, bright white Byrne sticks. Their boards are one of the easiest ways to pick them out in the lineup.

Low, toes, twist, extend!

A good bottom turn is a pre-requisite to a solid top turn.

Koji may have caught the most waves, but Yuji had some solid finishing moves in this morning’s session. This lip didn’t stand a chance!

Woah! Check this out! Yuji launched a lofty air to close today’s session. Get this guy on Surfing Mag (assuming they haven’t gone bust yet haha)!

Yuji’s face indicates he may have surprised himself during this air too. He did an excellent job keeping his upper body centered directly over his board through the air.

He completed the initial impact of the landing, but came unglued as he compressed and his board began to re-enter the wave. Still a sick air and a hell of a lot closer than I come to completion on mine. Then again I don’t even know if I can still get airborne if I tried XD

The only good wave that Koji missed… Haha! It was windier than forecasted today, and the size was fairly small, but you can see that we still have surfable waves even at the inferior end of the tide (low-tide). Tomorrow looks like it will be very similar to today, but hopefully some of the young rippers get out there again to help me out with the report content haha!

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hello everyone welcom back to the surf report today was a pretty fun day down here at Panga Drops decent size and loys of fun well I had a great time out there anyways and so did this guy he was catching waves non stop he really looked like he was having a blast.