Nicaragua Surf Report | Photo from February 12, 2018 at 11:43 PM

Anyway, I'll leave you guys with an interesting conversation that I had with one of the dudes who lent me his powerbank so I could charge my phone at the hostel. He saved my ass. Thanks buddy. Didn't even know the guy. Life is good.

The guy, his name was Nick, he asked me, " What is this place like in the summer? I've only been here in the winter."

" Well," I said, " you see all these waves here? When there is swell, every single one of these waves works."

Sage wisdom.

But it's been two years since I was here last. I've only ever actually been here one season - and not even a full one.

Only time will tell if that year was special, or if that's just another year on the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua. Either way, I'm determined to find out.

Stay tuned....




P.S. if there's any moral to this story, it's sometimes the best thing to do is to just paddle out.

< See the entire Nicaragua Surf Report for 02-12-2018