Today we are going to have a Carlito theme because he was one of the only surfers in the water and he rips. It’s amazing to watch how many barrels he can get in one session at our other wave during the surf season. Anyone that has surfed here in the past has seen him pull in deep for sure.

Like I said before this is the Carlos show. Here’s another one of him ripping. Puro poder!!!! (pure power)

My man Matteo was out there getting a few. You can see the power he has in this shot. He is also a tube magnet.

Guess who? Carlos again showing off his variety of skills in the water. He has pretty much every trick in the book on lockdown.

Airs, huge hacks, floaters and above all else a master tube rider. I’m hoping our other spot will start firing off with the arrival of the new swell that is supposed to show up tomorrow. I don’t know about you but I am so ready to start getting pitted. Come On!!!!!!!!!

Last one of Carlito for the day I promise. Local knowledge peeps!!

Alright my people that’s going to do it for today. Please check back in over the next few days because the first real swell is going to be sick!!!! I hope the next time you hear from me I will be surfed out and posting photos of myself. I want tomorrows theme to be the D-Lite show. I am D-Lite on the keys and Codo was behind the lens today, and we are out!!! PEACE!!!!!!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Sunday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was almost completely identical to yesterday morning. Low-tide and not many surfers out. The afternoon turned on again with the higher tide.

Hey everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The first day of March 2025! Not a bad day in paradise and the water temp isn’t too cold. We’re off to a good start. The waves were smaller today, but it turned on in the afternoon. This morning was tricky, but the surfers made..

The small new swell is filling in today and we are so stoked to score some nice ones down south. Sweet a-frames all over the place, winds were steady offshore and the water is warming up little by little. Check out the lineup!