The winds were a lightly onshore today, but we still had many fun waves rolling in. We also have to mention that the day was super hot and the water was a little chilly. Here we have this unknown rider taking a nice right all the way in to the beach.

A bunch of locals jumped out in the water today and were having a blast all afternoon long. This is Augusto “La Gaviota” Chamorro busting a nice frontside aerial move.

Here we caught this cool shot of Gerson “El Botetas” Grandes Tetas high lining a nice left hander. He looks so hungry to destroy that ramp section coming up to him.

Did we say that the day was super hot today? Check out the sun reflection on this chick and make your own call!

We had a few longboarders catching plenty of fun waves all over the place. Check out this cool 360’s sequence of Corage, going big on this one. Shot 1, straight to the nose!

Shot 2, holding the nose!

Shot 3, pushing and walking for a nice roundy!

Shot 4, is he really going to pull that one up?

Shot 6, oh,oh,ohhhhhhhh!

Shot 7, he didn’t make this one but he was trying very hard to make it. He’s practicing every single day now because he wants to keep his National Title this year.

On the last shot of the day we have this guy picking up one of the cleaner set waves of the day. The waves are supposed to pick up a little bit tomorrow so make sure to check us back out, it should be pretty fun!

Hey everyone! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were better this morning than the prior mornings, and were worse in the afternoon than the past few afternoons. So a bit of a change in the favorable windows. The wind was really light this morning and the crowd was nonexistent. Asher hard..

Hey amigos! Welcome to Sunday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was almost completely identical to yesterday morning. Low-tide and not many surfers out. The afternoon turned on again with the higher tide.

Hey everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The first day of March 2025! Not a bad day in paradise and the water temp isn’t too cold. We’re off to a good start. The waves were smaller today, but it turned on in the afternoon. This morning was tricky, but the surfers made..

Hi and thanks for joining us for the Monday surf report. Today we drove up to the beach right before dark one more time. The waves were running about chest to head high on sets with offshore winds and the water was chilly. Check it out!!!