One thing’s for sure, Box Fox should be collecting residual paychecks from BO FLEX, the 90’s sensational workout machine giant with moves like this on his LB.

Sunday fundays include many things like perfect little waves that go by unridden.

And perfect little waves that DON’T go by unridden.

Getting a private surf lesson from your significant other.

Definitely gets you some Sunday Funday brownie points.

Bringing back the neon colored surf attire should be a Sunday Funday requirement.

As well as riding a retro board one day out of the week to mix things up.

How about the classic longboard floater onto near dry sand “AKA” the tailbone breaker! (inside painful joke my friend Bo Fox) Hope them Toñas helped a little buddy.

Sunday Funday (see rule number 8) retro board choice of the week, while stylishly pumping down the line like it’s 1973.

Sunday Funday is a guaranteed sunbathing day!

Riding waves in the 4 foot range when you’re 3 feet is optimal Sunday funday good times!

Or blasting the biggest punt of the day makes any day a Funday (really).

How about strolling down the beach with your hombre after a super fun surf sesh.

Floating a 15 foot section would make any Sunday of the year a funday (*ed note – I don’t think he made 15 feet, but it was close).

Big bottom turns…

Little bottom turns…

Even steezy layback tubos are all part of the Sunday Funday experience.

Practicing that perfect form, especially when you’re a young grom is a staple for a bright future in surfing, and it’s even better when it’s Sundays!

Whether it’s a Sunday Funday hack attack

Or an epic wipe out, we all pay our dues on the day of fun.

Double hand drag stalls…

To no hands at all, it’s a good thing if you find a good barrel on days like today’s Sunday Funday.

Late drop takeoffs.

Big turn wrap arounds.

The family and the doggie spending time at the playa on Sunday Funday is what makes the world go round.

Huge chunky backside gouges like this here

Or a super nice top turn with Costa Rica in the background deserves a nice cold Toña beer!

Mental vertical shots like this…

and this, are what make my personal Sunday Fundays one of my favorite days of the week.

Occasionally the duck and cover

and the bob and weave is something a Sunday Funday needs.

But when it all comes down to it. Sunday Funday is a good time to sit, relax and reflect on how good your week was.

Ok my Sunday Funday friends. I hope you enjoyed our version of what Sunday Funday means to us down here in Nica-Land. Please enjoy your week ahead and don’t work too hard! Hasta la próxima ~

What a Wednesday! Our favorite beach break came back to life. Reborn the Monster!

Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from a confidential peak haha! The swell definitely showed up this evening and was our first dose of real swell in some time.

Hey everyone! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were better this morning than the prior mornings, and were worse in the afternoon than the past few afternoons. So a bit of a change in the favorable windows. The wind was really light this morning and the crowd was nonexistent. Asher hard..

Happy Saturday NSR viewers! This is Eric with a quick update from this Saturday morning at the beach! The waves look good but the wind is insane out there!