Nicaragua Surf Report for Saturday, March 04, 2023

Brian Scott

Happy Saturday folks! Today’s already started out to be a pretty nice weekend day. The sun is out shining bright, there are nice waves, cool breezes to stave off that otherwise hot hot sun. Looks like it's going to be a great weekend! 

Brian Scott

Local Nica-Chica shredder and family to one of the best surfing families as a whole here in the Tola region, Jenny Cortez taking out some of her clients to give them a taste of one of her countries best features!

Brian Scott

As she points out to them where the lineup starts and where you want to sit, or maybe not??? Just depending on your skill level.

Brian Scott

However, todays winds were up just as early as I was or even earlier than when I woke, but as either way, they were making wave catching out there a good challenge for everyone out surfing in our wonderful windy summer months.

Brian Scott

Aside from this guy making it around that big crumbly section and turning it into this big swooping arching turn, donning that vibrant blue wetsuit goes to show how un-tropical our water temps are at the moment.

Brian Scott

Ohhh…. you better believe it! I’m coming for YA!!! So can’t wait for this place to blow up this season…. I’M SO READY!!!!!

Brian Scott

Mr. Seth, who I rarely see out at this break (he loves himself some proper steep and deep barrel action), putting on quite the rail game show out there this morning.

Brian Scott

Happy Saturday folks! Today’s already started out to be a pretty nice weekend day. The sun is out shining bright, there are nice waves, cool breezes to stave off that otherwise hot hot sun.

Brian Scott

Speaking of rail work, this guy’s obviously familiar with his board(s) of choice and how to use them!

Brian Scott

Mi amigo, Señor Hunter coming in after what he just a few moments later told me was his last wave after surfing since 7AM. Yeaaaah brother, getting out there and putting in the time!!!

Brian Scott

Exhausted, but stoked from head to toe (even though he said he could barely even pop up for that a last wave), props to you my friend! Now go rehydrate and have a spectacular day with your family and enjoy the weekend buddy!!!! And the same goes for all of you too!!!!! Enjoy ~

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 
