There were also some sick rights coming in with no takers. Solid head high waves with nobody on it!

We checked the beach break at first light and there were a few guys out enjoying of the empty lineup. Nice left handers to be taken!

Quite a few of the surfers in the lineup were ripping hard. Cool snap on this little nugget.

We hanged out for a little while with these small crew from Cali. This is the first time they are down here and they love it.

Cloud is caught here with a sick turn. Man fan spray!

And Russel was doing his thing as well. Nice floaty on his frontside.

A few other guys were out taking some sweet ones too. About to throw the lip of the back!

Brad smacking a sick section on the last action shot of the day. It was good to see you again amigo.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Hola amigos, this is Lucha Libre Garcia with your Friday surf report. We had another nice push in the swell today and we had lots of fun waves rollin’ in. Head high waves on the bigger sets, quite strong offshore winds and cold water. Check it out!