Whether you’re far or near to the surf, I think we all can agree this view never gets old.

It’s always cocktail o’clock somewhere… it just happens to be here at this precise time in Nica. Brenna and Eric, poolside, enjoying life south of the border, well a few borders.

Mid-afternoon delight!

As surfers, we’re always searching, on the hunt for the better wave; even if it’s just a couple clicks from our front door or 25+ hours, two mall plane transfers and a 2 hour boat ride away. The search is real.

Of course, Lesther doesn’t have to go very far for his perfect waves.

Maycol has been making some splashes with his surfing lately.

Lesther has some very special ties with the E.E.U.U. so it’s cool to see him rocking the red white and blue in support of his biggest fan!

Oscar, Lesther’s little bro is a fan of lots of things…. one thing’s for sure, I’m a fan of both of their surfing!

John getting after it in the amazing afternoon light.

“Paddle, paddle, paddle” remember what your surf coach told you on the beach before paddling out and don’t forget the pop up, bend your knees, stay over your stringer and most importantly, have fun! Don’t panic, it’s just a wave.

The new 12’o’clock. 9 o’clock is way cooler anyways!

Forget all those trendy ab workout programs…. surfing will cut that gut in no time! Guaranteed!!!

Smile…. you’re on the NSR report. Ok, it’s not as catchy as Candid camera, but I think it’s been long enough so I can legally take that old slogan without any problems now.

Aqua green all day. That’s all I’m gonna say.

The wind up….

and the release!

Skate, surf & snowboarding have all accentuated their own styles of “tweaked out”. Oscar’s version is of his own with many inspirations that came before, but it will always look cool!

Backhand vs forehand surfing, both has its benefits. Here’s one of the backside’s feel-good manuvers.

“Hodzon” for president. It all starts with a campaign and a little momentum. Just ask Taylor Steel.

I see a good cabinet of surfers to run in this fantasy surfing political game of fun.

Power comes in many forms. Lesther’s kinetic energy drawn out nicely in one flow of motion in one nice image.

Hows that form though?

If there were a surfers version of clocking out.

You know that feeling when that one wave you’ve been waiting for, for a while comes right to you….

Well, here’s that follow up after a few good turns and that nice little top floater turn towards the end.

Well, that’s my Friday surf report amigos. Hopefully that swell arrives tonight and tomorrow we have some glorious waves mañana. Take a chance and check back… I have a feeling it might be a good one! See ya then… Yewww ~

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Hola amigos de NSR, este es Baldo reportando en español desde playa Jiquelite. Las olas amanecieron bastante bien, con picos por todos lados pero sin nadie cerca para disfrutarlas.