We are lucky because this year, we have good waves out there almost everyday. Danilo “El Kambute” paddled out and he was part of the show today. Here he is looking for a sweet shack.

This is Pancho Sanchez was out there too with his panga and he was catching some good waves like this one. Here he is riding one of the best set of waves of the day.

We want to welcome our friend Guilherme fill from Brazil, this guy was exciting today because he was scorig good waves and he never has been a paradise like this before with good surf conditions. Here he is with a nice shot. Check you out buddy you made it on NSR

This is Rodolfo “EL Calibilly” Zapata ripping it up all over the place. Here he is with a nice spray. Good job Tablon!!!

Hello Monday, The surf dropped off in a bit today, That’s ok for the reef break up the beach. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.