Since the water was cold, everybody opted to wear wetsuits or at least a top. The girls are usually hotter than the boys, because they stay more on the beach getting sun, but this time even the ladies had to put them on.

There were a couple of French guys in the lineup catching ton of fun waves. This is Nicolas with a cool backside snap.

His buddy, Manuel was also able to score some nice ones and he was ripping it up as well. Check him out on this shot, with a nice floater on this section.

A couple of locals jumped out in the water and they were doing their things, as always. This is El Tuzo Morales smacking the lip of this closed out section.

Pretty nice set waves came through this morning and Leandro was in the right spot to pick up some of the better ones. What a nice looking right, uh!

Jose El Corage Hernandez made it out on his 9’2 super panga and he was killing every single wave he caught on that thing. Check him out going big with a sick floater. This guy rides that thing like a 5’11 shortboard, don’t you think?

On the last shot of the day we have Gabriel from Managua taking the elevator to the next level. The waves should be fun tomorrow so make sure to check us back out.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Now this is something that you don’t see everyday – a real live volcano ERUPTING! This shot is actually from yesterday. Carlos C. was passing through Rivas, looked up and to his surprise, this is what he saw at the end of the street. Fortunately for us, he had his camera and was able to..