Did I say good barrels were rolling in? Check the shape of this one. Today I had my first clean barrel for this year and I see some guys celebrate after coming out too. So it was a nice day for everyone in the line up.

Left and right were good and sets had a period of 10 to 15 minutes, but four peaks were working in the same time.

The locals are practicing for the next surf contest in Hermosa beach (March14 -15). Here is Eduardo “La bruja” doing what locals can do more than everything. Barrels.

Mateo knows when use the breaks. Here he is in this nice right. If there are barrels, Mateo always get some.

This guy maybe is arriving from some place were the winter is harsh and cold, and now he is in this beautiful tropical country getting a lot of sun and even looking for a little shade.

The shape of some of the wave was awesome. This right went for long way and had nice ramp for tricks. Too bad “Chocoyo” did not know what to do.

Mr. Snider switched his board for a little trampoline today and was practicing a little aerial acrobatic today. We call this dolphin style.

This guy having a good experience pulling in to a couple little shacks. Ahuuua.

Ok amigos, I hope you had fun today too. We still waiting for more swell. So keep checking the surf report for the next days. We hope gonna be a party of barrels.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Hola amigos, Lucha Libre is back with your Saturday surf report. El Codo Lopez did it again with the camera. We had some super fun waves rolling in today but nobody wanted to paddle out with thefreezing water we have. Head high waves on the bigger sets, quite strong offshore winds and empty lineups. Check..