The waves were a bit small but still very fun at times. Here’s a little left hander for ya.

You can bet Carlito was out there getting his share. This wave was not the prettiest but Carlos did pull off this sick little air. He’s not only the tube master around here he has some sick moves as well.

Everyday you see more and more local kids starting to surf. Me personally I think it is great. To see the stoke in their eyes is priceless. These two was having the best time out there.

Here’s another one being a bit more serious about his approach. Ripping this inside right. Nice Chavalo!!!

A couple of longboarders were stoked the waves were on the small side. This guy was getting some nice lefts. There was a little bit of a crowd but no one was hassling for waves. Which is the way we like it.

I told Pedro I was going to take some photos and he was out. Peter had some friends down that I am honored to have met. I wanted to give them a shout out and say to Brom and Mikey it was a pleasure and I am sad you guys are gone. Until next time amigos!!!

Peter was getting down on this one, “literally”. Like I said small but super fun. Bien hecho hermano!!!

Every now and then as always there were some waves that came through with no takers. From my angle this left looked pretty fun. What do you guys think? Well guys as they always say,,, all good things must come to an end. I hope you have enjoyed my report for this fine Monday. Be sure to check back in tomorrow. We are going to get a nice new swell at the end of this week and Codo and myself will be here to cover it for you. This is D-Lite signing off. PEACE!!!!!

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Hello everybody, this is the Sunday report with Armando Lopez. Early morning the condition were excellent, the water is clear, warm and the offshore wind is perfect for barrels. A couple sets were more then overhead. check and think about it.

Hola amigos, Lucha Libre is back with your Saturday surf report. El Codo Lopez did it again with the camera. We had some super fun waves rolling in today but nobody wanted to paddle out with thefreezing water we have. Head high waves on the bigger sets, quite strong offshore winds and empty lineups. Check..