I guess Jackson wasn’t satisfied with his time in the spotlight yesterday. So he hard carried today’s surf report again haha.

This unknown youngster setting up with an excellent bottom turn but…

He committed one of my pet-peeves, the infamous counter-rotation. *Foghorn noise plays*

Jackson performing a “proof of concept” for hydro-turbine electric generation. He ain’t the real Nicolas van Saberhagen *deep lore intensifies*

There were some hollow gems to be had at French Fries today. I was pleased to see Jackson putting forth serious effort to practice his tube riding in preparation for Colorados season.

This young fella might’ve seen too many clips of Elon and Bezos’ spaceship launches… To the moon?

If I had to select a photo that best represents French Fries at its finest shape, then it would be this photo. A tight barrel section and a steep wall ahead to carve or slash depending on your preference.

Jackson subscribes to the practice of “never letting an end-section go to waste”. I concur good sir.

Smile and slash the waves to bits!

Another youngster working on her backside approach on this micro-inside peeler. I always tell my students that it’s not the size, but the shape of the wave that primarily determines its quality.

Jackson sending it into the dungeon for the final action shot of today’s report.

The few surfers out this afternoon at high tide scored! Playful and consistent sets, seems good to me. You might not believe me, but Tony Z made it back from Panama in one piece and is returning to the surf report tomorrow. That means you HAVE to read THE ENTIRE report tomorrow haha. Josh signing out and will see y’all again on Wednesday.

Hello Monday, The surf dropped off in a bit today, That’s ok for the reef break up the beach. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.

Hello everyone welcome back to the NSR surf report today i went to shoot some photos in the morning at colorado there were not too many waves so i decided to go down to pangas to take some photos instead. Fun day out there in both places.