Do you believe us when we say going off? Here is this shot by Jairo Panic to prove it!!!

Everybody was so excited and just wanted to jump out in the water to score some sick barrels today. Here we have Oliver “El Jamon de Mono” Solis with a sick shot from the water.

Just a few seconds later i got this one from the beach, still into the same wave. We also were so excited because we have good waves and good surfers out there too, so we can take good shots with that kind of combination.

Everybody wanted to get shack today but our friend “La Gaviota” Chamorro made it out to rip and practice some maneuvers. Here he is doing his thing, always so proud to represent NSR.

How about “El Codo” Lopez about to get into the green room. We are thinking to call him the photogenic guy right now because he was looking the camera on every single wave. Alright Codo, you got what you wanted!!!

Gerardito “La Polita” Herrera was the man today. This guy scored the best barrel of the day and the best barrel we’ve ever seem in this spot. Just sit down, relax and enjoy the full sequence.

Keep going.

Getting deep and still going. Can you believe it? This is Nicaragua going off.

No way, he got like an eight seconds barrel. Oh my god!!!

Did you enjoy it? Yeahh guys, take a deep breath because he made it out.

There are always some sweet wipe outs everytime we have some swell in the water. Here is Patricio with a nice one.

Later on, Come Pan had a break and made it out to get a couple barrels with his friends. Here he is going big into one of the biggest set waves of the day.

Here we have Colleen “El Cintura de Huevos” Eberly with a sick shot before dark. He was ripping and shredding all over the place today. Hey Colleen, we really don’t know the meaning of your nickname but Codo Lopez told us to call you like that, Why?

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.