A few of the local gringos paddled out today and they were having fun. Roberto wotking on his tube ride backside.

The rights were holding up better, but there were also some nice lefts rolling in. Garret with a cool slashy on this one!

The lineup was not busy at all and the waves were super fun. Come on down and score, just make sure to bring a nice wetsuit.

El Codo Lopes has been working a little bit with the angles, backgrounds and foregrounds. Way to go Codo, nice classic one!

Since not many people made it out, a few waves came in with no takers. Looking good , uh!

Garret on the last shot of the day, getting some shade. Nice one Garret!

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Hey folks. From time to time we come across really amazing surf property deals. This one isstillbe the BEST one of the year. This is a 4 bedroom/3.5bath house with guest cottage located inside the gates ofHacienda Iguanajust a five minute walk fromPlaya Colorado. The house is only 2 years old and still in immaculate..