This was the only surfer out at the beachie when I first arrived. Not a bad place to have to yourself, even though it was small, it was definitely empty.

So I decided to take a hike up the ways to the reef where it was about the same, with only a couple people out.

This would be the other fellow.

The beach scene is always nice in some way, shape, or form.

Conditions were pretty nice as well.

Making the trek back down towards the beach break, there were a few more people who showed up for the curtain call for todays waves.

Still some head high to a little bit over head waves coming through.

This amigo making a nice turn with a cool looking reflection of his board in the glassy wave face.

The beach could be empty at 4 or 4:30, but come 5 o’clock and on, everyone seems to make their way to the playa to watch the days sunset.

My bud, Louie, made it out as well!

Same with my other amigo and lensman, Pascal. Hola Hermano!

This is what Pascal must have been aiming at.

I was glad I came back down this way, since the surfing and waves seemed to be a bit better between the two spots. What do you think?

DJ, making for a nice, clean, little floater over this inside closeout section.

Check out this guys sick backside hack. He put some serious energy into that turn, as evidence from all the water he displaced.

Gotta give the last surf ing shot to my buddy, Louie. Nice nugget there Lou-Dog! I like your wetsuits colors too!!

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Que pasa amigos, its another beautiful Saturday here at NSR’s radical backyard full of swell and salt! This is Jess coming at you today with the righteous ways of sharing the waves. So lets get to it..The swell conditions for today are prime time, a light off-shore wind, for a nice little back spray and..